Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Target 0.0.2: Status 4

The previous post was that are many lurking errors in optimizations. I'm happy to say that these errors were fixed (there are some optimization failures sometimes, but the "canonical" NBody is working again with the tip revision in GitHub).

The optimizations are also profiled, so it should compile in 10-15% faster than previously (the CR compiled part, but most of time you will spend inside GCC compilation).

CodeRefractor.Compiler.exe is renamed to cr.exe so it is easier to use it from command line.

As future development  I will look into two areas:
- fix some known last remaining bugs (the inliner gives for some properties invalid code, also it doesn't optimize out the empty methods )
- I would love to extend some parts of backing generated code: it would be great to give a "resolver" to help the linker with custom code.
The idea is that delegating implementing methods can be done by some solver module:
- when a method is found by compiler, before reflecting it, will ask the solver module if it has a specific implementation that can be either a C++ code or a CIL method that CR will reflect against
- if it is a C++ code, the code will be inserted as-is as being a body of code.
- if is CIL code, it will be scanned and it will be used later.
- similarly a similar logic will work for types.

Why this bootstrapping, and who will implement it?
Initially, OpenRuntime (the default run-time) but it can be attached for all assemblies you code against. So every time when an assembly is loaded, the CR will scan for this bootstrap mapper.

Advantages? Right now the way the bootstrapping to C++ happen is fully static. This means that if you want to implement a big subsystem (let's say a replacement for System.Console or Windows.Forms) you cannot point to an existing implementation, but you have to take one source and fully annotate it with [MapType] (the CR's attribute of choice to annotate custom implementations) attribute. With this new implementation, and some short reflection code (that can be isolated, and will be a helper class given with these APIs) will theoretically be possible to use an implementation from an implementation that support the implementation without annotations.

Also, it could make possible to parametrize some C++ code generator options. Right now the code is static, so you cannot write a Max function independent on parameters (like a generics Max), and I hope with these changes the code will get better formatted and generated.

The idea is not my invention, but is based on the brief descriptions of InvokeDynamic instruction in Java world. Anyway, I did not read the specification (and/or implementation details) for the reason of having a clean room implementation.

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