Sunday, July 19, 2015

Using .Net for Developing Games, a 2015 review

Before talking about game development, as a disclaimer I'm not a game developer even though I do have some (working) experience with older versions of OpenGL and DirectX and hands on experience with C++ and C#. Also, I kept track of current technologies (as much as time allows).

First of all, let's clarify the terms: there are obviously games which can write and run in C#, I'm thinking here like most board games like Chess, Go, even strategy games, or similar. Even more, you can do more than these games, and I'm saying the best of my knowledge game written in C# which is Magicka, but again people will sneeze and will say: but this game doesn't use Havok (the physics engine) or if a C# game would use it, people will say: but the Havok is not written in C#, but is it written in C++.

Given this, I want to make as fair as possible review of .Net platform as a game development tool.

Here are some really great pluses
+ C#'s peak performance (after the application starts up), especially if you avoid as plague to work with strings, but using mostly arrays and integers/double types, will make your code to run adequate (typically around 70-90% of C++ code, even better match up if you use 64 bit .Net)
+ C# allows for the hottest of the code to be written in C++ and also allows to let you use no bounds checking using "unsafe" code. This makes that if you need a specific code to be autovectorized and you notice that C++ compiler does it but the C# one does not (and you don't want to use Mono.SIMD code to write your own matrix multiply code) to be very highly optimized
+ the call speed from PInvoke is adequate as .Net "natively" maps COM calls and C calls, meaning that if you use either DirectX or OpenGL, you are covered
+ having complex game logic can be more easily written in C# than in C++, especially as some C++ game engines use Lua as a backend. Writing it into C# should give some times speedups
+ you can use struct types so you can reduce the times the memory collection is happening

Here are really bad minuses:
- coding recklessly will create a lot of garbage in memory making pressure on GC. It can take sometimes seconds (for huge heaps, like multi GB heaps) which is unacceptable even in a board game
- allocation by default is on heap, meaning that if you create a List<T>, in fact always it will create on heap 2 objects, the first is the List<T> itself, and the internal array which stores the actual data. This is really bad because when you add to List<T> items, the internal array is "resized' which in the .Net (or Mono or CodeRefractor) implementations mean that a new array is allocated, meaning that a lot of more GC pressure happens. In C++ by default objects are allocated on stack with no hidden costs. If you use std::vector<T>, the internal array is on heap, but the vector itself is on stack.
- Linq can create without noticing a lot of objects: especially when you use: ".ToArray()", or ".ToList" or for a statement that wants to return a pair of values.
This code:
var playerAndLifes = players.Select(player => new Tuple<Player, int>(player, player.Life)).ToArray();
Looks really innocent, but in fact "Tuple" is a class, so is allocated on heap, and also ToArray will resize in power of two for the length of your "players" object. So for an 1300 players will be around 8 reallocations, and for 2600 players will be 9 reallocations and so on.
For the previous code, make a struct STuple in your codebase and use it. Also, if you know the size of players, do not forget to read ways to improve your Linq performance article.
- Objects in .Net are huge, so if you keep a single byte or integer index (even it has its own more complex associated logic) consider using struct or enum types. The reason why objects in .Net are huge, is that they contain much more information in the object header, including typeId, some space to be able to lock on them, If you have a class which stores 1 integer, on 32 bits .Net is 12 bytes, but on 64 bit machine is 24 bytes. So for every single allocation of an object, you will waste an extra 8 or 20 bytes. In C++ if you don't use virtual calls, the overhead is zero for object internals, but can be bigger if the memory allocator is not efficient. For virtual method classes, the overhead is typically the size of the pointer (4 bytes on 32 bit machines and 8 bytes for a 64 bit machines).
- Texts are UTF16, which very often is a good thing, but when you want high(er) performance, if you write them on disk, they occupy 2 times more space. Even worse, they do increase memory usage and again will create presure on GC. Try to work with UTF8 encoded strings internally and do interning (meaning to merge strings all over your application) so at least when GC happens will have less work to do
- Even is not necessarily an issue of .Net in itself, an easy way to support Save/Load inside games is to use a serializer that stores or restores your entities on disk. Using the default "DataContract" or even BinarySerializer are slow. Use protobuf-net (ProtoBuffers) as it is a very easy to use library to do this part and it can run many times faster. Similarly, try to not use any xml/json or alike for levels where is it expected to have many enties of any kind
- the JIT (Just in time) compiler sometimes make things ugly! The JIT time is typcally very small, but it is happening every time a new method in code is hit. If you have big methods and/or a bigger logic, you may expect to see "frame-skips", especially as per frame there is the "tyranny" of 16.6 ms per frame. Making methods small and try to remove duplicate code should make that when you get a new item or you see a new enemy which has a new game logic which is exposed to the player, which would require for .Net to analyse it, should be faster to optimize. But the even better way is simply to NGen your application.

What is weird as for me, is that the biggest factor into responsive games is not itself the compilation's performance (which .Net has it right from year 2009 I would say, with .Net 3.5 SP1), but the hidden overhead(s) of GC. You can get screwed many times and the ugly part of GC is that you don't know when it will hit you, even worse, you may not know which code creates classes (like System.Tuple or Linq's ToArray/ToList).

To wrap up, it looks to me that GC is the biggest factor for user to see freezes and as .Net improved as output of generated code (with initiatives like RyuJIT or CoreCLR) the elephant remains mostly to work with structs and to use an efficient serializer. This code can be very often improved by other means, typically by forcing a full GC at steps user waits already. After a game loads a full level into memory, a developer can force a full GC, after a round is finished and is written "Victory", another full GC can be forced. This style of coding is fine, but of course, if the game was expected to have a full round ended in 10 minutes but finished in 40 minutes, and the user has let's say a full GC of 3 seconds in the middle of the minute 35, this will ruin the experience.

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