Monday, July 6, 2015

Resharper 9 - a blast

Disclaimer: I've received an opensource license from JetBrains of Resharper for the second time. Thank you JetBrains!

I've been fairly critical sometimes with R# (Resharper) as is somewhat not accessible for some users, in the same time I've been using it. But I want to say why also code analysis in general and coding in particular is crucial with using today with a Resharper like tool.

So first of all, I want to make some criticism of Resharper and especially R# 9 as I've received:
- I've had a not updated R# 8 (it expired somewhere around October) and upgrading to 9.0 (which happen to be out of date because I didn't use R# for some time) made R# to report a lot of errors in code which were not there. Clearing the caches did fix all the known errors I had. But it was really strange (Google pointed me directly to the right place)
- Resharper doesn't default to use Solution Wide analysis. Maybe for low end machines is to be desired, or for very big projects, but as it is, at least for medium projects is a boon. I am sure that for big solutions (I'm thinking here programs like SharpDevelop or bigger) maybe Resharper runs slow to update the analysis (which in itself is a fair point) but the missing of the information that R# provides (like compilation errors you may have) by default, I found it as a big miss

Ok, so small bugs and not so great defaults. But in context of CodeRefractor's project it was so great feature because it made possible to make possible to big rewrites and right now it undergones the third rewrite. Every rewrite was justifiable for various reasons:
- the first and (as for me) very important one was that the internal representation was shaped very close to SSA form (or at least to LinearIL from Mono project). A subsequent almost as a full rewrite made the project to use an index of these instructions so optimizations will not do their job well, but they do it fast
- the second rewrite allowed a much refined way to find all methods (like virtual methods) so many more programs do run now (try it, it will do wonders)
- the third rewrite (that is currently going) that I will not write the details now

What I found great working features:
- creating property is automatic and fast with good defaults:
myValue.Width = 30;
//R# will suggest to create Width as an automatic property of int type
- creating automatic empty class taking into account of constrains:
BaseClass a = new MyNotDefinedClass();
//R# will suggest to create MyNotDefinedClass as BaseClass and will also implement some required data
- the Solution Wide analysis which takes into account when your code compiles. This feature is so awesome because you can combine it with two features: "Code cleanup" (which removes for example a lot of redundancies and reformats nicely the whole code) and "Find Code Issues".
- a R# 9.0 feature: code completion filters with various criteria (like: "properties only" or "extension methods only").
- unused parameters and the refactor to remove them globally is really a huge time saver of developer time

So in short, I have to say that if you start with Resharper from scratch, or you do want to use productively C#, I warmly recommend it to you. Also, don't forget the first thing after you open your solution to enable by default the Solution wide analysis (you have a "gray circle" on bottom-right: double click on it and click "OK" to the dialog it appears").

Also, please note that I tried to be as unbiased as I can, so I didn't point things that I'm sure that are invaluable for other projects like MVC3 or Xaml features (CR usage of Xaml is very limited), so here is only what I used (and enjoyed!) but some features may be for you closer to heart .

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