Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Write Your Desktop Application in a VM for Your Security!

Today when I arrive to my computer at work I receive the Windows Updates. 1 GB... 1 GB! Most of them are of course security patches which go over Windows, Office and things like it. If you look deeper, you can see that is not only in regular code but it is all over the place. This happens also for Windows 10 like ZDNet confirms.

The updates are in .Net framework, graphics drivers, mounting devices (and Office as told previously) and so on.

These components are as we can guess mostly in C or C++, in part because it is harder to look to all buffer overflows in all Windows codebase, but it is also in part because lower level languages require a hard(er) time for developer brain so it makes harder without very deep code review to get these things fully right.

I hope that most readers could understand this and I would also expect that most of readers are also writing code in .Net (and Java and JavaScript) but I want to express only one idea which in most of the time the security as being hard in itself, adding the concerns of low level bounds checking, makes the security to be very hard to achieve. So it is more economical (and logical) to externalize those risks for other companies (like the OS vendor, the VM creator(s) and so on).

But the latest reason why I do think that is also important to use a VM is the simple fact that is visibly easier to patch your code. If it is JavaScript or Flash, you do upload new application on site, and you're already patched. Users have to refresh the browser.

If you run your code in Java or .Net, if is a very low level security vulnerability, you ask users to upgrade, if it is in your application, you have functionality more or less built in. It is very easy to download files using either Java or .Net and to extract them if it is used a zip format.

But if you use C++ you have to compile the application, have the updater a bit awkward written (as there are some Windows APIs supposedly to do some C++ code), you have to make sure that it supports the right machine (like x86 or x64) and "you're good to go".

With the world of AppStores there is an argument that C++ can be deployed as easily, but in part I still don't think so for one reason or two: if you deploy your Android Java code, you don't bother with which CPU has the tablet, for example a MIPS32 or MIPS64 one. For iOS you have to support basically two platforms because Apple environment is tight, and for Windows by far the easiest way to work is still with C#. Also, an argument that the iOS environment it is itself like a virtual machine now,

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