Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Status update: Part 8

This post is fairly weak in content as I noticed that there are some bugs introduced in the newest bits, but there are also some improvements:
- the generated code does not use for generated types namespaces. Some name mangling were fixed because of this
- the duplicate runtime methods do not appear anymore
- documentation is vastly improved: as I use CodeRefractor as a bachelor paper, I described all the optimizations and various components of CR in an extensive manner. There are 40 written pages with content that may be interesting. If you are interested (at least as a lecture) about various internal parts or how the code is made, I recommend reading the Documentation folder.
- generic class specialization works (partially at least) and name mangling is better of managing generics
- there are also advances (small ones) into supported delegates, but is still not ended. The best part is that the delegates code is isolated and when I will have time I will be able to finish them

Still the main area of focus remains for now: bug fixing and/or code cleanup.

I want with this post to thank Jetbrains by offering a (free) license of ReSharper to advance CodeRefractor. I think that R# is a great tool in itself and I hope you will test it if you are not using it you will see how it improves the code quality of your code base.

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